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 Corporate social responsibility : the role of public policy : a systematic literature review of the effects of government supported interventions on the corporate social responsibility /CSR) behaviour of enterprises in developing countries
Ingram, Verina
Dc I
2013Bok eller småtrykk 1 av 1
 Health and social conditions of the estate population in Moneragala District, Sri Lanka
1988Bok eller småtrykk 0 av 0
 Nepal social inclusion survey 2012 : caste, ethnic and gender dimensions of socio-economic development, governance, and social solidarity
2014Bok eller småtrykk 1 av 1
 The River Nile and its economic, political, social and cultural role : an annotated bibliography
Tvedt, Terje
2000Bok eller småtrykk 1 av 1
 Water and village development : social survey from Songambele village, Kasulu district, Kigoma region : Phase 1
TAN/21 W
1988Bok eller småtrykk 1 av 1
 "The fields of the foe : "Amana Emoit" : factors constraining agricultural output and farmers' capacity for participation : a socio-anthropological case study of household economy among the inhabitants on Katilu Irrigation Scheme, Turkana, Kenya
KEN/30 F
1983Bok eller småtrykk 2 av 2
 A measured approach to ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity : concepts, data, and the twin goals
Dn M
2014Bok eller småtrykk 1 av 1
 A Norway-Pakistan Partnership Initiative (NPPI) : Badin district profile 2009
PAK/72 N
 Bok eller småtrykk 1 av 1
 A Norway-Pakistan Partnership Initiative (NPPI) : Jamshoro district profile 2009
PAK/72 N
 Bok eller småtrykk 1 av 1
 A Norway-Pakistan Partnership Initiative (NPPI) : Nawabshah district profile 2009
PAK/72 N
 Bok eller småtrykk 1 av 1